Crazy Rich Vincent Victor

8 ratings

Crazy Rich Vincent Victor

By: Preshy Writes CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 155 views: 10.4K

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Vincent Victor had always been the smartest and most handsome guy in his class but even that was not enough for him to get real friends. Who would ever want to be close to a poor guy with no rich background? Vincent Victor soon experiences a turntable that leaves his bullies and tormentors gasping for breath.

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  • E Storiz


    I hope you get many more views soon! ...

    2023-05-14 19:34:12
  • E Storiz


    What captures my heart is the fact that you update quick. I love the goosebumps the book gives me too

    2023-05-14 19:33:09
  • Jane Srn


    oh my god this is so amazing ......

    2023-05-14 12:18:03
  • Hideous pancake


    Going start reading

    2023-05-10 19:54:33
  • davidaiyedofe


    highly recommended. one of the best. I can't have enough of the book

    2023-06-29 17:40:45
  • Boss Amanda


    Mostly, the Face-slapping scenes are off the charts for me. I can't wait to explore more urban books on this app

    2023-05-23 12:07:23
  • Boss Amanda


    Author, I am officially a fan. I love the way this is going!

    2023-05-23 12:06:21
  • Latifat


    Nice and interesting book. well narrated. this book has an interesting plot. Good enough to get readers hooked. Me as well. I love Vince's courage. And the fact that his father responded quickly when he requested money. hehe the faceslaping is a hundred percent perfect.

    2023-05-09 23:31:03
Latest Chapter
155 chapters
Truth or Dare
The smell of alcohol spread throughout the club as a bunch of final-year college students moved to the rhythm of the music on the dancefloor to celebrate the end of their final exams.The party had been organised by the class's rich kid, Dominic, and he could be seen in the VIP section overlooking the rest of the final years. He had two ladies massaging his shoulders and feet while he drank.The door to the club was opened and in stepped Vincent and his girlfriend, Melanie.Immediately the air seeped into Vincent's nose he almost gagged and then he covered his nose."I told you I don't want to be here Melanie. This place wreaks of alcohol." Vincent complained."Well, what do you expect? We just finished writing our last exams as final-year students. Everyone is going all out tonight and you expect me to sit back at home? No way!" Melanie exclaimed."I only came here because of you. A lot of people are drunk so be careful not to get in harm's way." Vincent said to his girlfriend.Melan
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Chug Ten Bottles Of Alcohol
"I'll be fine with whatever the damn game is," Vincent said, glaring at Dominic. This was the first time he ever maintained eye contact with Dominic and it got on Dominic's nerves."This is only getting better with each passing minute." some said."Yeah, but I bet Dominic will win. There isn't much that Vincent is capable of. He's a poor loser, they never win with anything." another person said."Guys! Let's bet on how many dares he can take before he chickens out." someone said and laughed while others agreed with him."Okay then. I will call out the participants." Dominic announced, after letting the words of his classmates deepen the emotional and psychological winds, Vincent.Dominic looked around and then he began to call names, "Vincent. Toby. Tasha. Melanie. And myself. All five of us will play dares." Dominic said.Melanie was taken aback when she heard her name. There was no way she was going to join in with a game that Vincent was part of but she couldn't back down either as
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It Wasn't Even A Dare This Time
Dominic frowned. From the crowd, Vincent could hear different insults being thrown at him. "Coward!" "Bastard nobody" "worthless weakling! He can't even drink some glasses!" Vincent clenched his fists and Melanie spoke again, "If you can't do such a simple thing then I'm breaking up with you for real. No need to have someone like you in my life if you're just going to give up in the face of troubles!""So she just pretended she was breaking up with me? I just knew she loved me back. Melanie can't break my heart just like that." Vincent thought to himself."Fine! Alright! Is that what you all want?! Yes?! Then I will give it to you! I will take the dare!" Vincent shouted determined in his anger.One of the final years brought out the ten bottles of alcohol and set them in front of Vincent.Vincent sat down and opened the first bottle while people kept shouting "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!"When Vincent took the bottle close to his mouth, the smell penetrated his nose and he coughed.He h
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The Bills
Vincent felt someone tapping him and he slowly opened his eyes. Everywhere sounded empty like the party was over and it took some time for Vincent's eyes to get used to the light.It was difficult but Vincent sat up on the floor where he had been asleep all night."Where am I?" Vincent asked as he held on to his forehead which was aching him like never before."Young man you have been asleep since last night's party with your friends." a man's voice answered."Friends? I don't have any friends." Vincent replied. He remembered only that they were playing dares and things got out of hand. He remembered the feeling of humiliation coursing through his body shame and insults followed him last night. Is that what this waiter sees as friendship?"Those can never be my friends," Vincent added and got up, almost falling over in the process but getting back his stamina in the last second. He felt his head spinning like crazy and he vomited again."How can they all leave without me?" Vincent tho
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Consumed by Anger and Hate
Vincent got to the man who was waiting beside the car, "Thank you, sir. Thank you so much for bailing me out back there. Is there anything I can do to repay you for your kindness? I don't mind working for you or running errands on your demands." Vincent said."No. I don't need any of that and neither am I the one to thank.""I don't understand sir. What do you mean? You just paid for...""Your father paid, not me. I am only his butler."Vincent grew speechless, "my dad left his family without saying a word about why he did it. He didn't even reach out to us during the time of his absence and now was the perfect time for him?" Vincent said to the butler."I don't care what you say, sir. Nothing is going to make me accept that charity from such a heartless man who caused my mom to be diagnosed with such a disease." Vincent added.Vincent turned around to leave after he thanked the man one last time."You were asking me just minutes ago what you can do to repay me were you not?" the butl
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Mother's Tears
Vincent got into a taxi and the taxi took him to the hospital where his mother was admitted.With his last cash, Vincent paid the taxi driver intending to return home on foot after visiting his mother.The taxi left and Vincent faced the hospital, releasing a deep sigh from his nostrils as he stared at the building.For six months now... For six months, his mother has been in the hospital with Vincent still having a marathon to go in paying the bills.Vincent walked the hallway headed for his mother's room but froze in his tracks when he was halfway there. From a distance, Vincent could see Dominic and Toby walking out of his mother's room and laughing with a shredded bouquet in Dominic's possession."Isn't that the same bouquet I got my mom yesterday?" Vincent thought.Dominic hit Vincent aside with his shoulder as soon as they came to where he was and they laughed even louder as they passed."What a wimp." Toby mocked.Finally getting back to his senses, Vincent ran to his mother's
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The Reunion
Vincent didn't have to wait or text his father his account number. Only while getting up, he received an alert of two million dollars wired to his bank account.There was a phone call from the bank itself but Vincent ignored it. Where were they when he needed their help? They were the same people who insulted him at the bank and refused to loan him any money for his mother's treatment.Now with this amount in his bank account, Vincent was sure they were calling to congratulate him but he didn't need their hypocrisy.The doctor which Vincent slapped, approached him with two security men who worked for the hospital."There he is. That's the guy that slapped me." the doctor said, pointing his finger at Vincent."Sir, you will have to leave the hospital immediately." one of the security men said to Vincent."What is the hospital paying you?" Vincent asked.Neither the security men nor the doctor expected that sort of question from Vincent.The doctor laughed, "What are you about to do? Br
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Dominic's Mistake
After Mr Devine stepped out of the car, he came to Vincent's mother who didn't recognize Devine at first."Veronica... It's been a while..." Mr Devine said, being a man who wasn't good with expressing himself to loved ones."Devine?" Vincent's mother said, looking shocked to see how well things turned out for Mr Devine after he abandoned them.Her bewildered state turned to an angry one when she got back to her senses, "What are you doing here?" Veronica asked Mr Devine."I'm here to help. You're owing rent from five months ago, right? I'm here to pay it." Mr Devine said, causing Vincent to face-palm himself."How did you..." Veronica paused and then turned to her son."Vincent I warned you. I don't want to see this man." Veronica shouted."Mom you have to hear him out. Please. You can't keep this hate in your heart forever." Vincent pleaded."What is wrong with you people?! Have I turned invisible? If the man is going to pay for poor nobodies like you two then why not let him? it's n
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Introducing, The Idris Family
In a distance a bit far from Mr Devine's mansion stood another mansion which belonged to the Idris Family.They have always been in dispute with Mr Devine when it came to their businesses and company matters and this dispute extended to their children who were their heirs.The mere fact that Mr Devine was richer, more powerful and more influential in the society than they made their blood boil at the thought of it.Today, all the family members were home after they discovered a piece of ground-breaking news.The lord of the mansion, Mr Idris Khalid, slammed his fists on the table in front of him, getting the attention of others who were present in the meeting room of the mansion with him."We can't sit back and watch everything we worked so hard for going down the drain. José, you had just one job and you blew it!" Mr Idris Khalid said, eyes flaring with rage as he looked at his second son, José."If you think about it father, it's not his fault." Idris Ferdinand chimed in."And whose
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The Unexpected Announcement
Nine o'clock at night, the party was in full blast at Mr Devine Victor's mansion. He had invited all his employees and their families along with his business partners.Mr Devine walked up to the built stage and began hitting a spoon on a glass cup after the music was turned down. Everyone present gave Mr Devine their attention.From on top of the stage, Mr Devine could see the Idris family and even the parents of Dominic, a new intern, standing along with other guests "First of all, I want to thank you all for coming here on such short notice..." Mr Devine started. He made a short speech and then invited Vincent to the stage with him.Vincent climbed up onto the stage and stood next to Mr Devine as he got announced to be Mr Devine's heir.People gasped and clapped as they murmured amongst themselves in surprise that Devine had someone to carry on his legacy.However, those murmurs soon turned sour as even the business partners of Mr Devine were most worried."How can a boy from nowh
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