Chapter TwentyEight

Lucifers P.O.V

  I did it, this time it was easy there was no need for permission, no needless bickering. All I had to do is find the strength to take control.

  With one swift movement I frayed and split the rope holding the horse forcing it to fall as gently onto its feet, once it hit the ground I jumped off the treant as it veered every which way to throw me off, falling onto the horses back.

  I quickly grabbed Ariel pulling her onto the horse behind me as the flames ate up the forest.

  "Let's go!" I ordered everyone to follow as we galloped through the burning treants as they screamed in agony.

  I didn't give a damn about these wretched things they can burn into the depths of oblivion.

  A treant fell in front of us blocking our only exit, screaming in high pitched agony.

  "It's no good, you guys won't survive!" Ashley called out.

  I let go of the horses reins, my eyes changed to a deep purple, placing my hands in the air I screamed.

  "Halt!" Time froze, the only ones that d
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