Chapter TwentyNine

"You all are cutting it quite close," Maylen finally answered.

  "Then hurry and let us through," Ashley raised her voice. It was obvious there was some heat between the two of them.

  "What's going on over here?" Another man trotted behind Maylen.

  "Nothing, everything is fine." Maylen said muttering swears under his breath.

  "Oh hey Ash, how are you doing?" The man asked smiling, his face shadowed by the dark fall.

  "I'd be better if Maylen let us through before night fall." Ashley said, slicing her words like knives.

  "Maylen, you know you can't,-" he got cut off.

  "Yeah I know. Go ahead he backed his horse away from the entrance.

  "Thank you," she said as we galloped behind her into the town.

  The man sighed and watched us go off in the distance.

  We made it inside, fireflies danced around the town, and a fire in the middle as women and children danced around it.

  "Now this is what I call magic," Ariel whispered, her eyes fluttered with anticipation.

  I smiled sadly for
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