"Uh oh..."

    He was trying to think, but he simply couldn't. His heart was heaving salient sighs he couldn't relate to. He hoped that he wouldn't go insane. He wasn't sure whether or not he was still sane. He couldn't be sure. He was putting up with the odds. He hoped that he would be able to go on with that for as long as possible. He hoped that things would pull out strongly. He wasn't so sure. Though he wanted to be. He was trying really hard. But he was shocked. The more he did try, the more it seemed as though he was weak. He didn't know what else to say. He was hoping that things would make sense to her soon. He was hoping that pain wouldn't have its stray. He was hoping that he would be able to steer clear of the taunting emotions. He couldn't simply be sure. He didn't know what to be sure of anymore. He didn't know what to put up with anymore. He didn't know what thought to put up with anymore. He was hop

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