How'd you do that?"

      He hurled the syllabic spell at her as he tried to help Chloe up. Chloe was more than what he had thought him to be. He was quite heavy and could do whatever he wanted to. Probably that was why he had chosen the quality of being a rogue over other sane qualities. He couldn't be sure actually of what to think. He looked at the lady. She seemed to be indifferent and feigned to have nothing to say. He knew where that was headed. He didn't know whether or not he was supposed to had asked her that question. He didn't know whether or not he had supposed to had pulled that string and watch the rusty rhythm rave in rage. He had just said something. He couldn't hide his curiosity. He wasn't good at it. He had no idea if that was actually a defect for an Alpha. He knew that he would have to get some writings inscribed probably in the walls before he would be able to make meaning of a

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