The ruins of the city of San Francisco 5

Liliana lowered her head and looked sadly at her can of beans. “When I got to the previous world to try to warn them that the danger known as Killian Flanagan

I was willing to finish them off. The only thing I received in response was laughter and later they captured me.

I was imprisoned for a completely unknown amount of time, but it must have been a few months as my belly grew a bit while I was in captivity.

Everything I suffered in that place I can still remember and it makes me feel nauseous because I just wanted to save their world and they used me as a damn guinea pig.

Not to mention that they also treated me like a completely inferior being since to them I was just what they considered trash.

This is mainly because those bastards wiped out their entire natural human population, which had no powers since they considered it inferior beings.

It didn’t matter what religion or race, as long as you were a powerless person you were nothing but complete trash to them, so you deserved t
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