The world of Freis

In that place, Liliana could see a strange child trying to hide in the shadows.

The girl was wearing white robes which barely reached her ankles, her hair was tied tightly behind her back and she had red eyes. In her hands she was holding a sword and was ready to use it at any minute.

Liana looked at the girl with some curiosity "You must know that if you have a weapon in your hand, you are willing to die, why don't you put it down and we all talk quietly.

Although I don't like to say it, the moment you use that weapon I will have to attack you, which I can't guarantee your life or death."

The girl lowered her sword and looked at the black-haired woman with some curiosity "How is it possible that you can use magic, since we came to this damn place we haven't been able to use magic.

It would not be possible for you to be NPCs."

Hilda looked at the girl with some anger "Hey who are you calling NPC, better explain from the beginning what the hell this place is and why they can't use magi
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