A Dance Of Wind And Fury

It was morning and everyone was awake, prepared for the usual morning activities, Mr Frank was ready to go to the chamber to clean up, before Tony approached him.

"Good morning Mr Frank"

"Morning Tony, how's your night?" he responded.

"It was fine"

"Is there anything you want?" Mr Frank asked

"Yes, I want to talk to you," Tony said.

"Okay what is it?" He asked.

"Can we go to a little more private place?"

"Okay, let's go outside"

They both went outside of the house. "Alright what do you want to tell me?"

"I overheard your conversation with that guy last night" Tony started

"What guy?"

"The guy you borrowed money from," Tony explained.

"Keep it down" Mr Frank gestured.

"Why are you hiding it from your family though?" Tony asked.

"I wouldn't want them to worry, it's gonna be a bomb to them, I had to lie to them that I've paid up the debt," Mr Frank explained.

"But why?"

"Roi is a loan official, a very strict one for that matter, he doesn't joke with his money. My wife might have a heart
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