Returning Back To The Academy

"I'm sorry, please forgive me," Roi's plea was drenched in fear, a stark contrast to his earlier cruelty. Tony, barely clinging to consciousness, strained to perceive the identity of the enigmatic savior. The curtain of darkness loomed, but not before a flicker of hope illuminated his fading awareness.

The mysterious woman revealed to be Charlotte, cast a malevolent glare at Roi, her eyes smoldering with a mixture of seething anger and profound disdain.

"Is this how you choose to treat those without magical abilities?" she inquired with a tone that carried both contempt and curiosity.

Raising an accusatory finger, she delivered a menacing ultimatum. "Just wait until my father hears about this," she threatened, knowing well the powerful influence of her presidential lineage, a threat that hung ominously in the air.

Roi, keenly aware of the gravity of his situation as the daughter of the president confronted him, sought to justify his actions. "Please, young mistress, I was merely attem
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