Chapter 3027
“You’d do the same if you were her. Would you have revealed your plan to avenge your dad and send your stepfather and mother to prison?

“If you did, you wouldn’t survive.”

Sally was rendered speechless.

After some time, she said, “Anyway, I don’t like her.”

“Camryn doesn’t need you to like her. I only introduced you two to each other because I’m your friend. Since you’re so arrogant, forget it. Forget this ever happened.”

After speaking, Tasha left.

She and Sally had known each other for several years. The Abrams family may have kept a low profile, but they had quite the status in Wiltspoon.

Otherwise, Sally would not have turned up at the Houses’ banquet.

Tasha felt like she had misjudged Sally based on how she treated Camryn. Sally usually seemed like a generous lady, so it never crossed her mind that Sally would treat Camryn that way.

Maybe Sally thought Camryn should not have sent Mr. and Mrs. Newman to prison as they had raised her.

However, Mrs. Newman was not jai
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