As Kilish and Sanxi continued their journey, they were suddenly met with a new challenge in the form of another demon. This demon was known as Pitolo, and it had the power of invisibility. This meant that it could move about undetected and launch surprise attacks, making it an incredibly dangerous opponent to face in battle.

As soon as they heard of the demon's powers, Kilish and Sanxi knew that they needed to come up with a plan if they were going to stand a chance against it. They began to train even harder, focusing on developing their senses and instincts so that they could detect Pitolo's movements even when it was invisible.

Their training paid off, as they were able to sense Pitolo's presence even before it launched its first attack. The demon was swift and powerful, but Kilish and Sanxi were able to dodge its strikes and counter with attacks of their own.

Pitolo was a master of deception, often using its invisibility to create illusions and disorient its opponents. But Kilish
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