Chapter eighteen


And that's what led me here. I knew investigating that door was a big mistake.

And not knowing where Norman was, was bugging me. Was he even here with me? How did we get separated?

Suddenly, pounding footsteps were right outside the mouth of the cave. I curled up. What could I do against the dragon?

The dragon lowered its body until its head was right in front of me. I could see the slit in its golden eyes as he peered at me. He then bowed his head to me like I was some kind of important person.

"Master Azure," spoke the dragon in a deep voice.

Great. First, a mind-talking cat, then a talking snake, and now a talking dragon. I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was real.

"I-I'm not..."

The dragon's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I see now. Master Azure's spirit and powers reside inside you."

A sense of sadness came from the dragon. I couldn't stop myself from taking a small step forward and hesitatingly placing my hand on his snout. It was rough to the touch.

The dragon flinched under my touch but then relaxed. "Why did you do that?"

I stared at him. "Because you were sad. This Master Azure must have been pretty special to you."

The dragon puffed and smoke came out of his nostrils. "Not just to me. To all of this land. Or he was along with the three other rulers."

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand."

The dragon sighed. "It's quite a tale."

I sat on the black grass and crossed my legs. "I'm all ears."

The dragon laughed. "Humans are so strange. But I suppose I can tell you."

And so he did. He told me about Everglade. About how there were no humans allowed and that four great dragons were chosen to rule over a different part of Everglade to keep the balance and peace. There was Mistress Ruby, a fiery red dragon who was hotheaded, but fair and blunt. She was the ruler of Volanic. Then there was Master Emerald, a brownish-green dragon, who was calm and the most down-to-earth dragon of all of them. He was the ruler of Woodland Valley. Mistress Diamond, a white dragon, who was free-spirited and always bubbly. She was the ruler of Skyflight Dynasty. And last, but certainly not least, was Master Azure, a blue dragon, who was wise beyond his years and the youngest of all the dragons. He was polite but just. He was the ruler of Lake Falls.

The dragon also told me about how all of the creatures from mermaids to unicorns to elves to phoenixes to so many more all lived in complete harmony and were peaceful. The land had never been touched by humans until a stranger opened a gate to their world.

"I never saw who did it. I was too absorbed in helping the creatures escape. Another, though, from your world, helped. The person gave them something to help them blend in with your world. We didn't have a choice. I stayed behind hoping to save our masters and mistresses. I was too late. When I showed up, they had disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a crystal. I gave them to the person who helped and they in turn promised to keep them safe."

Hearing his story made my heart ache. It was such a sad tale. "Who was the person who helped save the creatures?"

The dragon smirked. "A man by the name of Joseph. You see, magic in your land technically wasn't supposed to be used to open a portal to our world. But somehow a very powerful person did. Luckily, though, they didn't gain the power they sought. If they had, both your realm and mine would no longer exist."

"But yours is..."

The dragon snorted, smoke coming out of his nostrils. "I know. But this is a good thing. You being here, I am. My world may be destroyed. But it means yours can still thrive. You are a protector now. But you won't be alone. You will need three others. You will be facing all kinds of trials."

"Like that snake?"


"Yes. A giant snake. And it talked."

"Hm. A basilisk snake. I haven't seen one since the intrusion of our world. They were guardians under Master Azure."

"This one wasn't friendly. It nearly killed me and my friend. And our museum curator got hurt by it. I hope he is fine."

The dragon hummed. "That is concerning. Perhaps you could speak to someone more knowledgeable than me when it comes to your world."

"I would love to. If I ever get back," I said.

"I might know someone who can help. Maxwell."

Maxwell? Who was Maxwell? Honestly, I expected another dragon or something even bigger. But to my surprise, a young boy who couldn't have been older than twelve or thirteen appeared in a swirl of light. His eyes were dark green and he was dressed in a blue sweater vest and black trousers with brown loafers.

He smiled. "Hello."

"Uh, hi... Who...?"

"I'm Maxwell Rivers. A pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, but what are you doing here?"

Maxwell grinned. "Simple. Professor Chaplin sent me here as a test."


"I know this is all confusing. Don't worry." He looked back at the dragon. "I took care of everything, Master Leo. It was difficult, but I managed."

The dragon bowed. "Glad to hear." He then looked at me. "I leave Maxwell in your care."

I bowed. "Understood." Even though, I said that I technically didn't understand anything. I was more confused than ever.

The dragon smiled and then took off to the skies.

I looked back at Maxwell. "What did he mean by that?"

Maxwell shrugged. "He always worries about me. Now, let's get you home." He led me out of the forest and to ruins of what appeared to be an old castle.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"The doorway back is here. I was sent here to close up the remaining ones. This is sadly my last time here. I'm going to miss seeing everything that I have."

"How long have you been here?"

"Oh, not long. But we can discuss more later. Promise. Right now, you need to get home. You have much to accomplish."

He grabbed my arm and now that I thought about it, I haven't been able to feel his emotions. Was he intentionally blocking me? Did he even know about my abilities?

However, I couldn't linger on my thoughts because he led me to a strange mirror of some sort.

"I'm sorry, but this won't be pleasant." Before I could open my mouth and ask what he meant, he gave me a forceful push.

I tumbled back into the mirror and went right through it. I had to shut my eyes due to the swirl of colors. But soon as I crash landed on the hard floor.

"Ow. That is sure to leave a bruise."

"You made it back," a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Mr. Newman

His creepy eyes met my blue ones. "Welcome back, Weston," he greeted like it was normal to meet someone after a run-in with a snake and falling out of the ceiling.

"Where's Norman?" I asked.

"Right here," a voice said from beside me.

I turned to see him sitting on the edge of the stairs, holding ice to his head. "Are you okay?"

Norman groaned as he stood up and straightened. "I think I'm okay," he said, pained, and then touched his cut. "I hit my head when I landed. But luckily, Curator Newman helped me."

Mr. Newman shook his head. "No need for thanks. Also, you don't have to explain anything. I already knew why you are here."

"You did? How?"

Norman's excitement alerted me and I turned to him as a giant grin spread across his face. "Do you have the ability to know the future?"

I jabbed Norman lightly in the ribs. Now was not the time for jokes.

Surprisingly, Mr. Newman laughed. "I do not have that kind of power. But there is another who does."

"Is it Maxwell?"

Me. Newman smiled. "Ah, I see you met my young pupil. Indeed he does. He's a prodigy in divination."

"I see," said Norman. "He didn't give me any indication he had that power when I met him. Then again, he hurriedly wanted to get me out and pushed me through a mirror."

"He did the same to me."

"Maxwell isn't always great at communication. You'll have to forgive him."

I looked back at Mr. Newman. "What about you, Mr. Newman? We saw that snake's fangs hurt you."

Mr. Newman smiled. "I'm fine. Luckily, I had an antidote on hand."

"I'm glad you are all right. But why did you give me the mysterious warning about shadows and whatever else?"

"I'll answer your questions, but first." He grabbed my upper arm and also grabbed Norman's. Before I could protest, black smoke surrounded us and when it vanished, we were suddenly outside.

I nearly stumbled as a wave of nausea swept over me, but I managed to keep my balance as I held onto Norman, who turned an awful tint of green just before he turned his head and vomited.

"What did you do?" he grumbled as he wiped his mouth.

"Teleportation," said Mr. Newman. "First-time teleporting always has an adverse side effect. Now, to answer your question, Weston, I needed to warn you. You know nothing of how deep or powerful your abilities truly are."

I sighed. "So I've heard."

"Ah, Mel told you."

I looked at him with wide eyes. "You met Mel?"

As he nodded, Mel, the black cat, came up and sat beside Mr. Newman's booted feet. A rare genuine smile spread out across his face as he knelt and rubbed Mel's head. "There you are, cheeky thing. Mel here is very well known. And she isn't wrong. Your abilities are stronger than you know," he said. "You've never had proper training or even know anything about it. Because of your two unique talents, the ghosts you attract, well, most of them are harmless and just want help."

"And that's my destiny? But when we went through the portal, I was told by a dragon that I have..."

Mr. Newman quickly covered my mouth. "Sh. Not here. What you learned in Everglade is true. I promise to give you all the answers you seek. But it is not safe out here. There could be listeners." He let go of me and then sighed. "I apologize for my behavior towards you. But I had to keep up an act which I will reveal later. The reason I warned you was because some ghosts you encounter will be dangerous and can potentially hurt you. And not only that, but you are also going to be a target for creatures like the basilisk snake. Those hide in the shadows and can lure you."

"Great." Learning all of this made my head hurt. "How exactly can ghosts harm me?"

"We don't understand the full potential of your powers. Therefore, we are unsure. Mel has been able to dampen your magical aura. But she can't be with you everywhere. All I can tell you is that some spirits or creatures may want vengeance while others may seek out your powers and energy. There is also a possibility of ghosts possessing you. This is why it is especially dangerous for you."

"Dampen it how?"

Mel's voice suddenly popped up inside my head. I hate to break up this little party, but Weston should not be around here any longer. The spirits are getting restless again.

I turned to look at the house. There was something extra eerie about it. The house seemed to be ominously creaking. Instinctively, my empathy picked up on the sorrow, the anger, and the terror. It was nearly overwhelming.

Mr. Newman nodded. "Very good point, Mel."

"I'm not going anywhere until I know what is going on," I demanded.

"Look, if you want more answers, meet me tomorrow afternoon at the museum. I will explain everything," said Mr. Newman. "Now, you must go. Take Norman and go home."

I want to protest, but he held up his hand stopping me.

"I mean it, Weston. You need to get going. Now." And with that, he and Mel vanished in a cloud of black smoke, leaving me and Norman alone.

I knew this trip was a bad idea from the start.

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