Chapter 398 – The Condition

Chapter 398 – The Condition

“They don’t call for to be bothered by other people.” He added again. Alex showed himself dear and also was outside the household. He reasoned that Parvata had told him to play because she was going to train Ganesha.

Alex held his lie would be useless because he needed to be more talented at doing that. Another fantastic thing is when people believe what he says, and they can finally sigh in relief. Alex quickly saw a light fly across the sky from Ganesha’s house in another direction. He didn’t worry if parvata punished her husband for leaving them just like that.

People know about it because they also saw what had just happened, but when they wonder what happened during the day, it looks like a star passing overhead. They flocked to pray to ask for the desired thing.

Alex forgot that and walked around the market to calm his mind. He wanted to get rid

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