Chapter 25 Faded colors...

I reluctantly moved towards Alia, thinking of a new way for every step I take toward her.

What should I do?

What can I do?

Should I just fall from the stairs? I can heal myself back afterward, but doing that will only make me struggle and in my situation, my father will carry me home with a lot of disgust and anger.

No... not that way...!

How about I tell Alia that I have very urgent work to do in the library?

But what will I tell her,


Wouldn't that scare her?

I can't even tell her that because she is my sister and she knew that studying and reading are those clouds that never rain over me.

Uhh... I am struck...!

We got down to the ground floor, and in front of me was a scene that I never imagined, all my uncles along with my father were standing in front of their offices, with their faces concerned and faded colors,

That matter which Alia told me was true...!

Though she told me I didn't give it a serious thought it seems like it was true,

My father looked at us, but hi
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