Henry in Danger (1)

Henry was overcome with a profound sense of betrayal as he locked eyes with Miss Cavil. She and Jade had successfully manipulated him and his companions, and anger surged within him.

Yet, Henry knew that losing his composure now would only jeopardize their mission further. Suppressing his emotions, he maintained a composed demeanor and addressed Miss Cavil with measured determination.

"Why? Why would you do this? Doreen is your step-sister too," Henry questioned, his voice filled with a mix of disappointment and disbelief.

Miss Cavil's lips curled into a sinister smile as she responded, "Oh, my dear Henry, you are so naive. Doreen was merely a pawn for me. I never cared for her."

Those words struck Henry like a blow to the gut. Though he had always suspected Miss Cavil's malevolence, hearing her openly admit her indifference towards Doreen shattered his heart.

Standing beside Henry, Louis couldn't contain his anger and blurted out, "How could you betray us? We trusted you!"

Jade scoff
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