27. Past Bedtime

Miss bale lowered her head. She began to march slowly towards their desk, her hands still behind her back. It looked like she was on her way to a closed casket funeral. She had stopped with the notes. The only sound in the class was her stilettos clapping on the floor. The echoes they made were like a warning of an approaching catastrophe. An unavoidable destruction.

She stopped right in front of their desk. Sineas could feel her gaze upon him. He did not look up, however. All he could feel in that moment was the smell of her perfume. It would have been nauseating on anyone else, he thought, but on her, it was like a heavenly scent. But still, that did not stop him from feeling uneasy.

She cleared her throat in authority. She placed her hands on the desk and lowered her head to his eye level.

‘Funny enough to share with us?’ she said.

He looked aside, eager to avoid her knife-like gaze. She was close enough to kiss him. Or close enough to chew him up
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