Carlson was still in shock when he returned to his dorm room. He had no idea what to do and for a moment, he began to regret why he told Leighton to stay behind. Maybe if she had come with him, she would be able to keep him company at least even if she wouldn’t have a plan of action. But he had thought he needed to be alone. Now that he got his wish, the silence was just too deafening. He knew he should use the opportunity to call his mother, Rosa and ask of the situation, but he just couldn’t seem to make himself move out of the bed where he was currently lying down.

He decided to try and sleep but, sleep was not forthcoming so he called his girlfriend after about an hour of trying to sleep and failing. He didn’t know what to say so he just kept quiet. Leighton was waiting for him to speak but after several seconds, she realised that he may not know what to say because of the emotional state he was in.

“Hey.” She said to him.


“I know this is a silly question to ask, but I have
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