Author: O.Happiness

“Mr. Alex, please don’t resist me. I love you so much, and I would love to spend a night with you.” Grace pleaded, her voice quivering as she walked closer to Alex, unbuttoning her shirt.


Alex stepped back, his back pressed against the wall, feeling the intensity of the moment.


“Mrs. Grace, I can’t do this with you. We’re the only ones left in the office, and my wife would be mad at me if she finds out I’m having an affair with another woman.” Alex replied, his voice trembling.


Grace kept unbuttoning her shirt.


“That doesn’t matter at all. I’m much better than your wife. Just take a look at my seductive..." Her shirt fell to the floor, revealing her bosoms.


“Please stop, Mrs. Grace. This is unprofessional, and you already have a husband and kids too.” Alex covered his eyes with his hands.



Mrs. Grace smirked.


“I was going to take this lightly with you, but you’ve mentioned my husband. You keep talking about your wife like she cares about you!” Mrs. Grace shouted.


Alex didn’t reply. He wasn’t interested in whatever she was saying.


Mrs. Grace heaved a deep sigh.


“I’m sorry to let you know about this in this manner, but you need to bear in mind that your so-called wife is cheating on you!”


“What?” Alex lifted his head.


Mrs. Grace picked up her shirt from the floor to cover her bare chest.


“I don’t even know why I was interested in you. You’re too poor! The only thing attractive about your body is your face! Nothing else!” Mrs. Grace yelled.


Alex took some steps forward.


“Mrs. Grace, I don’t care whatever you say to me, but I know that my wife would never cheat on me, even though she treats me in a horrible manner, but she wouldn’t do that.” Alex yelled.


Mrs. Grace scoffed.


“Okay then, suit yourself. You are the most delusional person I have ever set my eyes on; even your own in-laws detest you! Just get out of my sight! There’s a package you need to deliver to someone. It’s on my desk. Go pick it up!” Mrs. Grace scowled.


Alex bowed his head and left for Mrs. Grace’s desk. He picked up the package, put it in his backpack, and tucked it on his back. He put on his helmet, entered his scooter, and sped off to the location.


He arrived at the location. He alighted from the scooter.


“Room 200 of the Crescent Hotel." He read it out of the package.


Alex walked into the hotel. He brought out the package and held it in his hands. He walked into the elevator leading to the room number on the package.


Alex stared at the package. He wondered what could be inside the package. It felt heavy and sounded like a fragile object. He decided to get a glimpse of the package. He slowly unwrapped the package.


"Wow, drinks and packs of prophylactic. The owner of the package must be having a good time in his life. I wish I could do this with my wife, but that seems impossible.” He chuckled as he quickly wrapped the package up.


Alex smiled as he walked out of the elevator. He walked into the room.


“Room 200,” he muttered as he stared at the top of the doors.


“Oh, here it is.”


Alex tried knocking on the door, but he was taken aback by some loud moaning he heard from the room.


“What could be going on?” Alex mumbled.


He decided to take a peek at the hotel room.


“Ohh!” He screamed as he saw what was going on.


He knocked on the door and quickly stepped aside. No one opened the door for him. The loud, pleasurable moans kept coming from the room.


“But why does this voice sound familiar?” Alex muttered.


He knocked harder on the door.


“Who is that?" A voice yelled from the room.


“Your package, sir.” Alex replied.


“Package? I never knew it was still on the way, and I’m almost done.” The man sighed.


He stood up from the bed and tied the towel firmly around his hips.


“It’s never too late anyway.” The young lady smiled as she covered herself with the bed sheet.


Alex knocked on the door once again.


“I’m on the way.” The man yelled and opened the door.


“Your package, sir.” Alex said he was trying to peep through the room.


Alex saw a bag that looked similar to his wife’s handbag. It was a Dior handbag specially designed for her. She got it as a birthday gift from her father last year.


“Isn’t that Isabella’s handbag?” Alex muttered.


The man turned to stare at the handbag. He turned to Alex and quickly snatched the package from him.


“Leave!” He ordered.


“No. Wait a moment.” Alex held the door for the man.


The man pushed Alex to the floor. Alex stared into the room and saw a figure that looked just like his wife. The blonde hair looked similar to that of his wife.


“What’s wrong with the delivery guy?” The lady asked standing up from the bed. She covered herself with a towel.


“You don’t need to know. Just some annoying poor guy!” The man replied, glaring at Alex.


“Wait, let me see him by myself.” The lady said she was pushing the man gently out of the way.


The next sight Alex saw bewildered him. He never thought he would ever be in this situation in his life.


He kept staring at the lady; their eyes met. She widened her eyes in surprise.


“Isabella? My wife?” Alex muttered as he stared at her.


“Alex, what in the name of hell are you doing here?" Isabella shouted.


The young man pushed Isabella aside and turned to her.


“Who is this wretched brat?” He questioned her, glaring at her.


“He is …”


“He is what?" The man interrupted, yelling at her.


Isabella bent her head.


“He is..” 





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