Oliver walked into the computer technology company feeling a strange mix of excitement and apprehension. After all, he had been away for a couple of months on summer vacation, and he was worried that he might have missed out on some critical developments. However, he was also eager to get back to work and tackle any new challenges that awaited him.

As he walked through the corridor, he couldn't help but notice that things looked different. There were some new employees who seemed to be busy working on some project, and there was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air. He made his way to his office, where he was greeted by his colleague, Karen.

"Hey, Oliver, welcome back!" she said, giving him a warm smile. "How was your vacation?"

"It was great, thanks," he replied, feeling a little awkward. "But I'm glad to be back here."

"Good to hear that," Karen said. "There's a lot of stuff that we need to catch up on, so let's get to work."

As they settled down in their chairs, Oliver felt
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