196: Didn't like the idea
"It's nothing, honey. Go to your work already before you will get late." Meredith said.

Charlotte just nodded, but she knew they were hiding something from her. She just left but quickly called Gina's number to tell her about it.

"What? And why were they talking about granny's money? I don't think they need money for something." Gina said.

"That is what I am not sure, sissy. I think we need to find out the reason why they were talking about her money. Dad and mom, they looked so scared and nervous a while ago. I think something was wrong." Charlotte said.

Gina doesn't know what to do or say. Alis already told her to stop worrying and thinking about things because her belly is getting bigger. The doctor also told her to avoid stress and anything.

"Charlotte, just watch over mom and dad, especially dad. If he acts strangely, we need to find about it." she said.

Charlotte promised her sister to do it.

"What? Does her dad want to cut his ties with us? That's absurd! What about the


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