Meanwhile, in the Apocalypse world, Xarc City...

“Regent Adam, it’s not good. “ a soldier came inside the command room in the palace .The palace was where Adam Fester currently lived. He is the most loyal person a ruler can ever ask for. Ever since he understood how his master, his king, Newt Barister had done everything to protect him and the city, which is also the place which has a lot of memories of his late daughter. After Newt left this city to ascend to the next realm. Adam did everything he could to protect the city and take care of the people here, because that was what he promised his King. How could he go back on the orders of his king? Currently, he was having a budget meeting with the patriarchs and matriarchs of the major families in Xarc city. Regent Adam frowned a little and asked his gasping ,”What is it, Zack? “ Zack was the soldier Adam was the most familiar with. Zack was not only smart and strong, but h

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