Finally An Explanation: Two

"So, Damon," Marcus inquired, his tone playful yet curious, "what about your stats? How are you shaping up in this crazy game we've found ourselves in?"

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. After all, my stats were nowhere near as impressive as Marcus's. But there was no use in hiding them. "Well, I'll be honest, I haven't been the most diligent player," I admitted. "My level is only at ten, and I haven't even chosen a class or race yet. As for my stats, they're pretty underwhelming compared to yours."

Marcus smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry about it, Damon. Everyone starts somewhere. The important thing is that you're willing to learn and improve. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you'll be catching up to me in no time."

"So, Marcus," I asked, my curiosity piqued, "how long have you had your system for? I mean, you're so powerful that it must've taken you quite some time, right?"

Marcus grinned and nodded. "You've got a good eye, Damon. I've had my
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