Xeon's Iron Fist

In the grand throne room of the palace, the air hung heavy with tension as Xeon, Demon Lord Abron's half-brother and the false Demon King, presided over a trial with his customary iron will.

His throne loomed large and imposing at the head of the chamber, casting a long shadow over all who dared to stand before him.

He stared at the man with contempt written all over his face. He had ruled for fine hundred years since he betrayed his half-brother, and judging such cases as petty theft in the king had lost its former taste that seemed to exhilarate him.

"Please explain what happened" Xeno instructed the four armed demon who had accused him.

The four armed demon, obviously angry from what had happened, pointed at the accused demon with one of his arms.

"This thief broke into my store in the night and grabbed most of my valuables, including goods that I wanted to sell to a traveling merchant scheduled to pass through today" He explained.

Xeno rested his head on his hand as he listened.
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