Chapter 44- Birth Marks

The man is a king to another kingdom which is quite far from the Kingdom and vassal states. Being a King he had his own pride and being treated like that by King William made him very angry. After all, they were both Kings.

"If not for that useless brother of yours" the foreign king did not dare insult William or anybody related to him and could only chastise his son.

He knew the rules, "In my territory am the king".

If it were in his own territory that this incident had occured, he would not have taken it lightly, making them bleed was already him being merciful.

His eyes flashed with dangerous glint which was not hidden from his son.

"Father, let's find Quinn and know what is going on. It would help us decide out next course of action." King Zera nodded.

"Your right. Send someone to get him" they had already arrived at the inn they were staying.

Since he hadn't sent or informed King William of his coming, he wasn't staying in a place prepared for him as a guest.

He had to stay in an
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