Transformation (2)

Two hours later, Wallace regained consciousness with absolutely no recollection of himself, he was completely blank.

"Let's begin separation and then we'll call for the young master" Dr. Link said to the other men in white coats.

Wallace was then moved to a circular table where his code would be temporarily removed. Things were done carefully this time as they made him unconscious again.

Several minutes later, a floating disk with a white manacore sitting on top flew towards the glass pod in the center of the room and ever so gently placed the manacore inside it.

After the manacore was placed in, other floating disks started appearing, each carrying a purple or red mana core and then flying towards the opening of the pod.

What happened then was a feast for the eyes. As the other manacores entered the pod, each released a hue that was absorbed by the white core.

Thirty minutes later, the white core was brought out again, still retaining its color even after absorbing all those differen
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