Chapter 201

As previously rumored, Aiden's marriage to Neira and Ilana was finally underway. The news spread quickly, and the wedding day happened today.

They held the wedding in a large, famous building in the city center. The building was beautifully decorated. The entire room was filled with luxurious ornaments. Even the lights were shining from various directions. And of course, many journalists came to cover the unique wedding that was being held.

A line of luxury cars had filled the courtyard of the building. Hundreds of guests arrived with tons of significant gifts for the unique wedding. They called this wedding a unique wedding because there would be two brides at once.

The doctor couple had just exited their car and entered the building in awe. They immediately approached Ilana and extended their hands. "Ilana, I congratulate you on your marriage." The young doctor named Sofia gave Ilana a big smile. Occasionally, her gaze traveled to all corners of the building. Even as she observed
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