309. Twins

Chapter Three Hundred And Nine

Selena glanced around the cozy room, filled with the joyous laughter of her secret twins, a boy and a girl, now three years old. She carefully balanced the weight of each child in her arms, her eyes reflecting a mix of love and secrecy. Elijah, her ex-husband and the children's father, oblivious to their existence, remained a prominent figure in her life.

The conversation with Elijah earlier had been a delicate dance of words, where she skillfully veiled the truth about the twins, shielding them from the dangerous world he unknowingly belonged to. The undeniable connection with the enigmatic mafia lord only heightened the stakes, as Selena navigated the intricate web of her past.

As the day unfolded, emotions swirled around her like a tempest. Action-filled moments punctuated the narrative of her life. The twins' innocent giggles echoed in contrast to the shadows cast by the dangerous secrets she harbored. Selena, torn between motherhood and the clandes
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