Chapter 168.

Megan was shocked when Oliver kissed her, she had no idea what to do but when she wanted to pull away, his grip around her tightened and she had no other choice but to remain in position.

Her eyes widened, her heart stopped and for a moment it felt as though she was going to die from excitement when Oliver pulled away from her. She had never really had a tension as thick as this one.

She wanted more but she couldn’t ask and Oliver, understanding what she wanted, leaned into her so that his breath was going to brush her face.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Oliver said with a smile on the side of his lips, “I did what I had to do.” He finished. His penis was hard already and he wanted to take her on the bed.

Unable to control himself, he finally gave in more to the urge when Megan kissed him herself, she quickly fumbled with his trousers and soon pulled it off for him.

She has never felt a spark like this one before but she was glad that she was feeling it now. She was glad that she did
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