“I am not going to calm down, grandfather!! Did you see what he did to my car? That car was badly damaged—damaged beyond repair!!

“Stop stressing over material things; your insurance company can take care of the damages.

“They would if I were the one driving the car, but I am not and Eli is moving around with an expired driver’s license!" He better stay in that coma, because I will send him back there if he comes back to this house! How dare he take my car without my permission!!! He left his luxurious cars and took mine. I am starting to think that he crashed my car on purpose. “ Don't be ridiculous. I understand you are upset but do you think Eli would risk his life just to crash your car and get back at you? You should be praying for his recovery, not this.

“God forbid!! I better waste my time on important things than pray for that rebellious soul. Eli is a lost cause.

“You are the older one, Ethan. I know Eli is not the best but do you want us to throw him away? Your father doesn
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