The Final Part 2

There was a passion in Larry.

He grew up without friends, was ostracized and bullied by the people around him, and never knew or felt true love. When the Gort system awakened his potential, Larry found peace and joy in the mere fulfillment of its quests.

There was a particularly happy face he carried each time as if nothing else mattered. A face that suggested to the entire world, "Yes I am enjoying this. I am fine here."

Arnold carried the same face but the difference was that right now, Arnold was fighting to protect his life, to go back to his loved ones. As much as he was very desperate to live in this situation, he held tightly onto that excitement and tapped into the great bond that the system offered.

That moment Larry understood what Arnold and the Nexus system had that, he and the Gort system didn't... bond.

The dawn was breaking and the disaster had spread, what once stood as a tall warehouse was unrecognizable, Arnold and Larry were in battered shape with the clothes torn a
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