The Final Part 1

Each move made by Arnold and Larry was meticulously executed, as the conflict between them continued to develop.

Arnold persisted in moving forward, circling Larry while keeping an evasive and unexpected cadence. In order to wear down Larry's defenses, he continued to take advantage of each hole he could discover. Larry, on the other hand, remained somewhat complacent and hadn't quite taken Arnold seriously.

He underestimated the actual extent of Arnold's resilience, by allowing himself to get dragged into his irregular rhythm.

Arnold's moves were a captivating combination of finesse and strength, his punches and kicks landing with unbelievable accuracy. Each attack hit its target, pinpointing weak points with exactitude. Larry's defense trembled briefly, but he quickly regained his calm, dismissing Arnold's attempts as a fluke.

"You are wise to have been able to get a few things or two from our battle just now. Indeed, I give it to you. But it is useless. I have been on this path usi
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