Chapter 196. A way to bring him down 

This time, Shadow stopped training and faced her. " I know. I can detect all your thoughts."

" What?" Slaughter was confused, and she blinked her eyes. She couldn't understand Shadow, but before any more word could come out from her lips....

" You can't achieve all that if you don't defeat Ceaser. A more reason why you should try now and give in your best. " He patted her shoulder and resumed his training again.

Slaughter exhaled but nodded. " Right." She watched Shadow trained for a while, before she also resumed her training.

Together, they trained hard, more prepared for what was coming.


Miles dragged the unconscious head of the knights into the layer and kicked him aside angrily!

He walked to the dark chamber, where Ceaser was always staying.

" Been expecting you since." Ceaser sat calmly on a red couch, his back facing Miles.

Miles gulped down and turned to Allan, who was beside him. Allan noticed the fear in him, but he couldn't do anything. He just looked a
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