Chapter 125

"George?" Sally's smile dropped immediately. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she looked around, trying to detect if George was playing a prank on her.

"I'm here to see you, you know Chris right, don't look for someone else!" George said, snapping his fingers before her face, he noticed how she was glancing around like she was searching for someone.

Sally stared back at him and watched as he pulled out a chair and made himself comfortable on it with his legs crossed on each other.

"Come on Sally, why are you silent? We're here for business, then let's proceed with it or isn't that why we're here?" George asked her as he pretended to be removing the dirt from his nails.

Sally laughed crankily, desiring to play smart. "What are you talking about George? We're here for business? Will you mind me asking you which business that is? Because I don't remember engaging in a business with you." She said with a fake confused look.

"Oh Sally! Allow me to refresh your dumb brain then. Does
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