Your Opponent Is Me

Calvin falls helplessly to the ground, Henry straightens up on his position, he is finally done with the assassination team, it's time to record everything that happened here and send it to the Public Guardian.

He faced Emiliano, Emiliano was shaking on his spot, he wanted to step backwards when Helen put her hands on his shoulders.

“Don't even think about it”

Dozens of water blades surrounded him.

Henry wanted to take another step when he suddenly found himself drowning inside an ocean.

Charlotte's blue eyes were glowing, she is going to kill this kid for daring to touch Mr. Antonio!!, nobody is entitled to do such a thing.

The water started turning in circles and Charlotte instantly teleported behind Henry.

Henry's eyes widened in shock, before he could comprehend the movement, Charlotte muttered.

“Hydro Slash: Maximum stage!”

She slashed Henry on his chest and the force sent Henry flying away inside the water.

Helen and Peter were stunned, what the hell is this, a giant swirl
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