Chapter 83: Screwed Up Really Bad

"Now what?" Selvo suddenly realized that even his newly reached Materialization State was not helping him deal with the powerlessness he was currently feeling.

When he first learned that their backer was one of the great families, Selvo was already imagining all the ways he'd enjoy himself freely in the future.

But knowing his personality, his father had already warned him to stay within his limits, at least till the whole matter of swallowing the Safaira family was resolved.

Although he felt vexed, Selvo knew better than to anger his father. So he decided to stop, or at least tone down, his activities.

But one day, as he was roaming across the city, he came across a party of mercenaries. It was like any other party you'd found in Nulis City. Though what attracted his attention to that party was a beautiful girl—one like he had never seen before.

She was so charming that Selvo had a hard time believing that he had missed the presence of someone like her in his own city. But he soon co
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