Chapter 120

Chapter 120

The alarms sounded, shimmering into the ears of the inmates waking them up from their sleep. It was quite earlier than the rest of the days and that was because it was a special day. Most of the Inmates that had been in the prison for years were finally getting their freedom back and they would be going home finally, after a long, long wait.

The timetables for the day had been set and the inmates were made aware of what was going to happen today. New inmates were going to roll in either from a transfer from another prison or sentencing. And at the same time, a few people were going to leave— only those that survived though.

It had been said that most of the inmates that would have gotten their freedom the next day were likely killed by their fellow inmates because of envy and other reasons which weren't made known to the General public.

Mike and Leah after hearing all of the horrors had their eyes and their ears open throughout the night. They knew they had no excuse for n
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