Chapter 8

Noah found a piece of paper and jotted down things to note. He surveys the current trend of web novels. The ideas in mind are neatly organized. Noah was pleased to turn off the computer. He returned to the room. Now, he wanted to see how much the system's items could be used.

Noah lay down on the bed, his upper body leaning against the wall. In front of Noah is the system window.

[Player: Noah Hunter

Age: 27

Race: Humans of planet Z888

Health: 3/10

Intelligence: 3/10

Skill: 0

Props: The bestselling novelist’s book (disposable item)

Anger Point: +15

Wealth: -100000000 KNB

Reminder system: You should earn money to repay the debt. I embarrassed that my master is someone with such a large debt.]

Noah clicks on the props on the screen. It is a picture of a book.

[Item: The bestselling novelist’s book

Introduction: Do you aspire to be a famous author? Do you want to conquer readers around the world? You have a chance to fulfill your dream.

Level: B (Note: This book was loved by many readers
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