Son-In-Law: Love and Revenge
Son-In-Law: Love and Revenge
Author: Mas Xeno
Heir to the Winston Family

A sixty-year-old man sat down at a long table with many different dishes and got ready to eat dinner. He had a business empire called the WS Group, and his name was Winston Sanders. His wife, Bettrice Margaretha, who was about fifty-five years old and sat at the table with him, was the only other person there.

A young man joined them not long after. “Mom and Dad, sorry I'm late. I had to finish some things at the office first." The man, whose name was Kenneth Immanuel Sanders, said this.

Winston asked his son, “Ken, how's the office?"

“Don't worry about anything, dad. There are some problems, but it’s very easy to fix.” As Kenneth sat down in one of the empty chairs, he answered.

"Good job!" Winston once more spoke up. He turned to face his wife, Bettrice. “Have you called Shawn, honey? Will he be here tonight?"

“Shawn is on his way, so we'll just have to wait. He'll be here in a minute."

They were both waiting for the oldest son of the conglomerate family, Shawn Heaven Sanders. After about half an hour, the man with brown eyes came. “Mom! Dad! Oh, I miss you guys so much!" Shawn gave each parent a hug in turn.

"Have you been binge drinking?” When Winston smelled the wine on his son's body, he asked.

“Oh, Daddy, just a little bit. Two glasses only," Shawn gave a casual answer. "Hey! Kenneth! When you wear a suit and a nice shirt like this, you look so handsome that my little brother is just getting older. Oh, it looks like I'm getting old," Shawn stated to Kenneth.

"Shawn, you are no longer a real teenager, so act your age. Now sit down. I've gathered you all here because I have something important to say,” Winston said again.

"You looks very tense,dad! but I'll sit down anyway." Shawn began to sit down beside Kenneth.  "So what is the important thing that you will tell us?”

Winston seemed to be the first to sigh.” I'm sixty years old now. I've been to the hospital three times this month. Also, the doctor told me to get more sleep. So I decided it was time to give the business to my children,” said Winston.

When his father said that, both Kenneth and Shawn got nervous. Neither of them thought the father would talk that night about something so important. He was just as excited as Kenneth and Shawn because he didn't know who Winston would give his big company to.

"I started WS Group from scratch and helped it grow quickly into what it is today. I've spent more than half my life building the business, so I wouldn't want to give it to the wrong people. After giving it a lot of thought, I've decided that Shawn will lead the company instead of me.” Winston turned around and looked at Shawn.

When Winston called out Shawn's name, his oldest son, everyone at the table stopped talking. Bettrice's eyes sparkled as she looked at her son with a smile that seemed to come from her heart. While Kenneth really did feel like he couldn't breathe.

"Daddy, what does all of this mean? Since you got sick, I've been helping you run the business. But why did you give the business to Shawn?" At that point, Kenneth couldn't help but show how upset he was.

Winston said, "Shawn is my only son, so he is my heir."

"But Daddy, Shawn doesn't know anything about businesses."

"What do you mean?!" Shawn quickly denied what his brother said.

“You don't know anything about running a business, so you don't deserve to run one. You just drink a lot of alcohol, go out with a lot of girls, and even gamble every day," said Kenneth. He had disliked his brother's behavior for a long time. Kenneth said that they both had to be careful because they were both sons of Winston, who was rich and well-liked. Shawn, on the other hand, did things that hurt the family's reputation. Winston never really punished his eldest son in a strict way. What made Kenneth even more upset was that his father wanted to give the business to Shawn.

Shawn was very angry when he heard Kenneth say that about him. “Don't talk nonsense! You have no right to judge me that way. I'm—"

"Stop, both of you! Don't fight in my presence,” Winston said in a firm voice. "Kenneth, I know you are smart and that you know a lot about how to run a business. So, I will also ask you to go with your brother in the future. You'll be the second-in-command, and Shawn will be the president director. If you two run the WS Group, I'm sure it will become an unbeatable company." Winston tried to tell his two sons what was going on.

But Kenneth didn't seem at all satisfied with what his father said. "So, just because he was born before me, do you think he's much better suited to run the business than I am?" asked Kenneth, with a mix of cynicism and disappointment in his voice.

"I think daddy’s reasons are different." Shawn replied to what Kenneth said. "Daddy can't give the business to a child who was born outside of a marriage," Shawn said.

When Kenneth heard what Shawn said, his ears turned red right away. "Fuck!" He hit the table hard enough that the plates on it moved. "Haven't you ever taught that mouth of yours anything?" When Kenneth grabbed Shawn's collar, he yelled.

"What's making you mad? I don't think anything I said was wrong. Don't you know that you were born out of wedlock? You should be thankful that Daddy still has you on his list of heirs, or else you'd be a bum like your dead mother. —"


Kenneth hit Shawn in the face with his fist until Shawn fell to the ground.

“Kenneth! Stop!” Winston tried to help once more.

Kenneth looked at his dad's face with a sharp look. "So that's why you don't think I'm ready to run the business?" Kenneth said, and his voice began to shake.

"I never said such a thing. You are my son, and I've never been unfair to you."

"Bullshit!" Kenneth swore badly. “You never really yelled at him when he did something wrong from the start. And even when I do well, you never really says thank you. So far, I have always been patient when this family treats me like a stranger. This time, though, I'm really sad. Daddy! I didn't ask to be born into this world. I didn't ask to be born Winston Sanders's son. You brought me to this place. But if you don't want to think of me as your son, I should probably leave this house."

Kenneth took all of his cards out of his wallet and put them on the table, which was a mess. "You can also take my name off the list of my heirs from now on. Just give everything you own to your favorite son, who was born from your legal marriage. I don't really need that."

Kenneth left the mansion with a hole in his heart after saying this.

“Kenneth! Don't leave!” Winston yelled. "Bodyguard! Find Kenneth right away! Bring him here again!" Winston gave his helper an order.

At the same time, Bettrice helped Shawn get up. "That jerk is a fool! He hit me! How dare he!” Shawn growled.

"Shawn, that doesn't mean anything. The important thing right now is that you will be your father's only heir," Bettrice said, making her son happy.

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