NC 8

Liam watched in dread as his mother slowly closed the door behind her. He got up and headed straight to the window where he stared at the bird that was singing a melody. He was aware of his parent's ugly behaviour and he wasn't surprised at it. But he knew that he won't let them hurt him so much by keeping aunt Caroline away from him. She was the only family member that he loved.

"Your parents love you, Liam, they just have a weird way of showing it." She had once told him.

"Maybe I should develop a weird way of receiving it," Liam had said with anger as he sat on a sofa in her one-room apartment. She was their relative but she never asked them for money. Always wanted to do things on her own. She didn't want to be indebted to anyone and she mostly didn't want anyone taking the glory for her hard work.

That was how Liam's parents were. They never allowed anyone to succeed without them taking part in the glory of it. As long as they had helped you in one way or the other, you will be
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