Ch. 67 - Eastal
The noble minister gargled in a pool of his blood. He laid on his stomach, unable to turn around. His face grew pale and the light in his eyes became dim.

One could say it was because of the fear he felt at when Ulrich pounded him without remorse. It took but one punch to demolish his spirit.

Queen Melina stared down at him from her throne. Silence brewed for several minutes until Ulrich stood next to Jackson. Then the Rosenbaum Kingdom’s queen spoke in an utterly bitter tone. “You, the minister of this nation, betrayed our people, broke laws and murdered innocents for your greed. As queen, I dismiss you from your duties effective immediately. You are to wait in a cell until the day of your execution.”

She looked around and met everyone’s eyes, making them realize how serious she was. She then stood up. Just before she left, her voice echoed throughout the throne room. “Take this scum out of my sight!”

Until this happened, her people and nobles thought she was just a figurehead not to
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