The Billionaire Revenge

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The Billionaire Revenge

By: Seorin OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 107 views: 6.8K

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Vincent William is a poor student who gets a scholarship at a renowned university but is often mistreated by his peers. On the day of his graduation, he is told that his girlfriend, Emma, has been having an affair with his best friend. While Vincent is desperate and on the verge of committing suicide out of frustration, a benefactor who has been helping him with his scholarship suddenly comes along and gives him a fortune. Not only that, Vincent also got the highest position in the wealthy man's company. Overnight, Vincent turned into a billionaire who was respected by everyone. From then on, he began plotting revenge for those who dared to disturb his heart and pride.

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  • bang Lee


    she's the best ...️ writer that I have ever seen

    2023-08-18 23:05:24
  • Azril Ibam


    Veri Interisting novel. ......Author Seorin...I like the name of the character

    2023-08-08 11:27:33
  • Chuweng Lee


    author seorin is very talented

    2023-07-31 11:44:38
  • Chuweng Lee


    the best book of the year

    2023-07-31 11:44:18
  • Chuweng Lee


    I love this book so much ...️...️

    2023-07-31 11:43:45
  • Chuweng Lee


    this book is really the best book I have ever read in my entire life,, it's makes sense so much,, the author is so good ...

    2023-07-31 11:41:14
  • Uni Feisya


    Waaahhh this is a very interesting story. I like Vincent's character who is tough and brave enough to fight crime.

    2023-07-30 23:01:24
  • Eka Sandi


    interesting and exciting story, the plot makes us able to participate in the atmosphere created by the author. continue...

    2023-07-29 17:28:31
  • mira rahayu


    what a genius plot! cant wait for the next chapter! please be ASAP!

    2023-07-29 08:40:58
  • Just Honey


    vincent is the real zero to hero quite love this book cant wait for next chapter

    2023-07-29 08:09:00
  • QuinnSera


    The storyline is immersive and the tempo is comfortable for me to read. It will be interesting to wait for the character development of the genius Vincent. I really like the story!

    2023-07-23 08:26:42
  • zaidan rizki


    He's a genius but was denied a corporate job. Is this a conspiracy? It turns out that he's preparing to lead a big company. I love this story

    2023-07-23 06:51:01
Latest Chapter
107 chapters
Zero Point
Vincent ran with all his might from his flat to the coffee shop opposite the office where Emma worked. This afternoon, Emma suddenly wanted to see him. Vincent hurried to meet her. He was worried that his girlfriend would be alone for too long while waiting for him to arrive."Damn, I'm late!" grunted Vincent somewhat irritably. He quickened his pace again.Arriving at the coffee shop, Vincent was surprised to see Emma with another man. "Emma," Vincent approached her. He briefly glanced at the man sitting next to Emma. It felt familiar to Vincent. He recognised the man very well."Edward?" Vincent was surprised to see Emma and Edward chatting, so close.Not only were they close, Emma and Edward also looked very intimate. What was going on? Vincent was confused about the current situation."Hi, Vin!" greeted Edward, distracting him. Vincent didn't return the greeting.Edward looked at Vincent from head to toe. Vincent's appearance looked shabby and dishevelled. Then, the man smiled sa
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Get Reward
"Your name is Vincent William. Right?" The man confirmed it again. Vincent nodded slowly and said yes."Excuse me, who are you, sir?" Vincent asked.The old man smiled at Vincent. "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Unexpectedly, we met here. All is God's destiny."Vincent did not understand what the old man was saying to him. "Do you know me, sir?""Come with me, son! I'll explain it to you in the car," the old man said. Vincent complied. He didn't dare refuse the old man's request.From his appearance, Vincent could tell right away. If the old man was someone Vincent had known before. However, in this confusing situation, Vincent's mind was in turmoil. He couldn't think clearly. Or just remember someone's name.Don't you know who I am?" asked the old man as he watched Vincent who was still confused by this situation."My name is Eduardo. I've been wanting to meet you for a while. Didn't you graduate with the highest grade in your college?" The old man knew everything about V
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The Day of Judgement
"Thank you for reminding me what happened yesterday. I will never forget that incident. One punch from you means nothing to me. From now on, be prepared to receive more punches from me," Vincent challenged Edward."Wh-what do you mean, Vin?" Edward frowned. The man was too stupid to digest every word Vincent threw at him. He was too frightened by Vincent's threats.Vincent flashed a mocking smile at Edward. The look in his eyes was so sharp, so vengeful that it pierced Edward's eyeballs. Vincent and Alvin didn't really care about him anymore. They immediately went to the Vice President's office.Emma and Edward were still gawking, watching Vincent's back as he walked away from them. The two of them exchanged glances, wondering what had happened to Vincent this time.After finding out that Vincent has full power in the company where she works, Emma now regrets that she broke off her relationship with Vincent yesterday."Stupid!" Emma blamed herself. She banged her forehead against the
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Meet The Spoilt Princess
"As a leader, you've been unfair, Vin," Edward criticised."No! Don't do it, Vin!" defends Emma. Vincent only gave her a quick glance."Is there no other punishment than dismissal?" Edward was rather frightened to hear Vincent sacking him."Should I kneel down and prostrate myself before you to get forgiveness?"Edward's tone and demeanour instantly turned formal in front of the Vice President. Too late! Vincent was not easily provoked by his sycophantic ways."Go away! Scum like you don't belong in my company. The stench is too strong for me to let you hang around here," Vincent quipped as he lashed out at Edward. Emma screamed hysterically as she saw Vincent hit Edward."You saw that! Is this the loser you defended yesterday and keep comparing me to?" Vincent quipped.Emma was also shocked to hear their conversation. Alvin led Edward out of the vice president's office."Shit!" Edward grunted in annoyance after Vincent kicked him out.Now, the tall man felt hurt by Vincent's behaviou
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Missing Milea
"Don't come any closer, you bastard!" Milea half-shouted at a man who was trying to do something to her. It looked like he was going to be mean and insolent to her."What's wrong with you, sweetheart? Why are you avoiding me now?" The man continued to advance his steps, cornering Milea until she was leaning against the wall of a room."If you dare touch me, you're finished! You will die," Milea threatened.The man wasn't afraid of Milea's threat at all. Moreover, the woman seemed to be trembling as she said it."I just need your money, Milea. Give it to me quickly, otherwise I will spread your vulgar video all over the internet," the man threatened."What a loser! How dare you threaten me," Milea taunted while looking away."After your video goes viral, what will your father do to you? Maybe he'll throw you out and kick you off the family inheritance list." The man tried to provoke Milea. However, Milea was not afraid to fight him."Don't try to scare me! That video is just an edit. I
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The Toughest Rival
Vincent managed to find Milea in the city park. She was walking slowly and sitting on a swing near the playground where children usually play in the park. Her gaze was blank and she looked very sad. She was still thinking about the incident with her ex-boyfriend."Milea!" Vincent exclaimed as he approached her. Milea turned to him."Why can you always find me Vin?" Milea was surprised. She hurriedly wiped her tears that fell on her cheeks."Is my dad telling you to keep an eye on me now?" Milea guessed."Let's go home!" invited Vincent. He ignored Milea's question."I don't want to," Milea refused, looking away."We should go home first," Vincent persuaded. Milea did not say yes to Vincent's invitation."Your father is very worried about you, Milea," Vincent informed her. However, Milea did not take Vincent's word for it."I don't want to go home. My father has taken my place with you. Now, you are his son," Milea reasoned. However, the reasoning put forward by the spoilt child did no
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Vincent vs Edward
Vincent was still thinking about everything Mr Eduardo had said. Suddenly a good idea came to him. He was going to redevelop his app. The one he had been working on.Vincent took another look at the microchip model he had just bought this afternoon via an online shop. He would put a microchip of his creation in Milea's mobile phone system. The microchip would function as a radar to track Milea's whereabouts.For hours, Vincent was still in front of his laptop. In fact, night had already turned into morning. Vincent hadn't slept all night. Today, he would test his microchip on Milea's mobile phone."Milea!" called Vincent. When they passed each other, Milea happened to have just come out of her room. She was about to head to the dining room to have breakfast with her father."Can I see your phone? Just for a moment," Vincent said, asking her permission."What for?" asked Milea. She didn't just hand over her personal belongings to Vincent. She had to know first, the purpose of Vincent b
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The Competition Begins
Vincent closed his office tightly. He didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. His attention was only on the start-up competition. Not even Alvin was allowed in without urgent business from the President Director, Mr Eduardo.That afternoon, Milea came to Vincent's office. She came in a hurry. In fact, she seemed to have barged into Vincent's room without permission. Suddenly, she was stopped by several security guards, right in front of Vincent's office.What's going on? Why isn't Milea allowed in? She asked in surprise. Because Alvin ordered the security guards to tighten the security around the Vice President's room."Move aside!" ordered Milea rather fiercely at the two security guards standing in front of Vincent's office door."Sorry, Miss! Young Master Vincent does not allow you to enter his office," the security guards respectfully forbade in front of Milea."What did you say?" Milea was furious. She was rattling her waist in a fit of rage. She kept forcing her way into Vincent'
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Edward's Evil Intentions
Edward asked Milea to have a quick chat at the coffee shop opposite his office. Milea complies and goes along when Edward invites her. She was very innocent and did not suspect Edward's bad intentions at all.After chatting about many things, at length, with a little seduction Edward also invited Milea to go somewhere. Milea is the type of woman who gets carried away easily. The slightest seduction from Edward immediately melted.Much different from Vincent's attitude who is always ignorant and does not care about his partner. Edward can indeed convince every woman who is close to Vincent to turn to him. After Emma, Edward's easy target is now Milea.Vincent, on the other hand, seemed anxious because he couldn't find Milea in his office.'How strange is that? Where did that spoilt brat go? Is she trying to run away from her work responsibilities?' Vincent wondered. He was still waiting in Milea's room. However, the girl did not return after the lunch hour ended."Where did she go?" Vi
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Vengeance for the Criminals
Milea was still under the influence of the anaesthetic. She was still unconscious. Thank goodness! She didn't know what had happened to her this time. Vincent had better hurry and get Milea out of that old warehouse. Before she regains consciousness.Vincent carried Milea into the car. Then, he leaned Milea's body on the front seat. After that, he immediately drove the car and took his fiancée back home.A few minutes later, after Vincent applied telon oil around her nose, Milea woke up from her long sleep."Vin?" Milea was surprised to see Vincent beside her.The atmosphere began to change. Is this Milea's room? Wasn't it ... She tried to recall the incident at the coffee shop with a man named Edward."For now, you just rest at home. No need to go back to the office," Vincent suggested. He got up from Milea's bed.Suddenly, Milea grabbed Vincent's hand. She was confused by Vincent's words."What do you mean rest at home? Are you sacking me?" she asked with a panicked look on her face
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