Chapter 17

"Shut up!" 

We went back to ignoring each other until he said "Hey."

I rolled my eyes and replied "What?"

"Y'know, everyone might not know you're a girl but they'll definitely think you're gay."

"Why'd you say so?"

"Number one, your legs are completely bald and guys don't shave their legs." He explained as he walked over to sit on my bed. "Number two, you can't hide your feminism."

I first looked down at my legs to see them completely smooth and he was actually right. I didn't think this through properly.

"I don't really care." I shrugged.

"So, what makes you think I wouldn't reveal your secret?"

"Because I know your secret as well and you wouldn't dare do that."

Yes. I was bluffing. But from his notes, he seemed to really hate secrets and everyone has

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