Chapter 313 : Big Bad Wolf

Seeing Jamie's figure there, Alex immediately summoned so many of his Bodyguards simultaneously. Alex didn't know who Jamie came to his room with because it could be that Jamie had managed to wipe out everyone in his office building.

Just like when Alex met Jamie, the man whose face looked very old now showed Alex so many files.

Lots of secret files or documents on Alex's desk right now. And all of that is related to the Low-Hats entity itself.

Like how their business works, how they get a lot of money, and also what businesses they touch so that they get the strength they are today.

If someone were to be found walking around with a file like this in the eyes of the Low-Hats, the possibility of the harm they would cause would be enormous.

And Jamie, somehow had the nerve to give Alex so many of these documents. Either Jamie has been kicked out of the Low-Hats or Alex will soon fall into the Low-Hats trap himself if he insists on getting into it.

Whatever the reason, Jamie was acting v
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