Chapter 20 (part 4)

A2 consists of the previous members that remained with the addition of four new ones, making them a ten-man team. They've discussed dividing their teams into two until they get past the graveyard site. Entering the location was easy due to the weird blind spot the graveyard created, creating a passthrough sewer way through its high wall. The surrounding trees are thin but able to cover their foliage by spreading their leaves like a waterfall outside.

Parting one section of this would show someone the way inside through that sewer through the thick wall leading to the crowded part of the cemetery. One is located in the southern sector while the other is in the eastern part, near the south that leads to the rich mortuaries. The southern one has a lot of apartment-type graves, rows upon rows, fairly hiding the rest of that part of the cemetery.

From there they used hover camera’s the best way by corners monitored, in case any kind of Primer groups settled in their w

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