Chapter 8 (part 2)

“Somehow...I think Mrs. Darmstadt agreed to what I said.” Bernice’s voice says.

“What did she say?” Says Perri’s asking voice.

“Opened her eyes, nodded. Then told me to call for Betts cause she needs to call someone to fix their heater downstairs.” Bernice said a bit incredulously.

Again, a pause. In Horazs sleep-muddled memory, he heard a few muffled words before he woke up hours past to find the old woman Lena greeting him a fine morning.

He relayed this story to Lena with as little fanfare as he could. She paused before fussing about how two girls could let themselves be alone at such a time. Horaz shared her sentiment, but somehow his body didn’t cooperate after waking from his slumber.

Down in the depths of his mind, he felt his body still itch and a strong urge to follow Perri where ever she was. It strengthened once he awakened. Instincts didn’t indicate

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