13 Cured

Hosh was awakened by the sound of something falling not far from his resting place in the Gray Forest. He was still on his way to the big tree left by his parents. The man let out a long sigh after being startled by a fruit the size of an adult's head falling from the tree above him.

Hosh started his journey again. He tried to go deeper into the forest. Staring at plants that had never been seen before. Trying to find the sound of gurgling water from the river that divides the Gray Forest. Still having so much trouble and constantly trying to get used to the walker he uses. 

Until finally after an hour, he began to hear the flow of water. Hosh breathed a sigh of relief. With a stick in his hand he tried to remove some of the plants and yes he could see a river flowing. The river is so clear with a tropical scent that is so refreshing. The water in the Gray Forest was indeed different from most of the water in the entire clan. 

Everything in the forest is unique and different. Hosh tried to look left and right, where he could find a tree with the largest diameter. It was not difficult to find it because the tree was not far in front of his eyes. Very striking precisely in the appeal of other trees. 

Hosh is now doubtful whether his parents' legacy is still there or not. Anyone might have picked it up. The man with the walker tried to walk closer. He felt the tree trunk with his hands. Nothing is different. Just like any other tree trunk in the Gray Forest. Really, until this moment Hosh didn't know what to do. 

The man was just trying to reach into his pocket where he kept a strange key he found in a wooden box. Strange things started to happen, because just as the man took out the key, Hosh felt a jolt. The man even had to hold on to a tree trunk thinking that it was an earthquake. 

Realizing the shaking was starting to slow down, Hosh looked down at his keys which suddenly glowed. Hosh was of course confused and tried to observe the tree in front of him. 

The man was moving around the tree and yes he could see that a part of the trunk suddenly had a glowing line in the shape of a small arched window with a keyhole in the middle. Without a moment's hesitation, Hosh stuck the key in there. Surprised, but also very curious how the key could fit so easily into a tree trunk.

A bright light blinded Hosh's eyes, where with a peek he could see two very suspicious bottles inside. With two exactly the same size. One is blue and the other is red. Hosh noticed a small note on the cap. The man tried to grab it and put it in the bag he was carrying. 

While picking up the bottle Hosh realized there was an envelope also under it which didn't take long to think about, he took the letter too and put it in the bag he was carrying. Hosh was worried someone else was seeing him now. 

Just as there was nothing else there, the window closed and the key just slipped into the wood and disappeared. Hosh tried to look again to the right and left. Make sure no one follows him. 

The first thing he did there was read the letter he had previously kept. It seemed like an instruction for Hosh to prove himself to be a Nilas. In addition to several messages that seemed to be written also his parents. 

In the brief letter it was said, if you want to prove that you are a Nilas, you only need to drink the two liquid in the bottle and time will tell everything. What an ambiguous statement indeed. 

Of course Hosh could only frown. He wasn't too sure what could have happened. What kind of answer might it be for him. Hosh glanced at the two small pieces of paper on each bottle. It says one word 'basava' and 'gotama'. 

Really Hosh doesn't know what language it is and what it means. It was likely an ancient language spoken in their clan hundreds of years ago. The man who was still sitting was so hesitant to drink the two liquids in the bottle. 

“What's the worst possibility of this? Yes… I could turn out to be not a Nilas, but then what's the difference? Aside from my expectations possibly dropping and me finding a dead end again, maybe me dying which I feel would be a better path for me and the others.” 

Hosh ended up drinking the two liquids alternately. His feelings were already anxious hoping that something would change about him, but apparently nothing. The man just sighed and tried to check the watch on his wrist. The sky was dark and the atmosphere was also very quiet. Hosh peeked at his provisions, which were still very sufficient even for the next two days. 

“Is this really how it works? Ah… is it possible that I'm not a Nilas? Yes… I think I will return to my simple life. I'd better be back tomorrow morning. I guess I'm too tired to go back today. My feet also hurt a lot from this walker. It seems I do need some time to get used to it.”

Hosh removed the stick on his leg and he breathed a sigh of relief because the pain from walking was finally relieved. The man chose to lean back on the boulder and began to fall asleep. His sleep had been so sound that time even though he was in the middle of the Gray Forest. 

Until the faint sound of birds is heard in the morning. Hosh opened his eyes it was still early morning where he could see the sun's rays starting to peek in the distance. The man stretched his body and intended to pack his things. So surprised when he saw his own hands so smooth. 

The rashes she had been having disappeared. Hosh was of course confused and he reflexively tried to stand up to confirm what he saw. Who would have thought, the man was even more surprised because he could stand up easily without the aid of a tool.

 Hosh tried to feel his face and check the rashes on his body and they all disappeared. He also tried to peek at his feet that could properly stand supporting his body. Hosh ran towards the river where he could see the reflection of his own face and to his surprise it was completely back to normal. 

The man sat down limply because he was so shocked. Her face, which is now 32 years old, has undergone many changes. He looked much more mature as well as more handsome than the last face he remembered. 

"I'm cured? Is this real? I'm cured?" 

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