The continuous calling of Esther's name woke Esther up and she opened her eyes to see it was Redrick calling her name. Upon seeing Redrick who was on his knees beside her who was lying on the ground, Esther became scared and quickly got up moving away from Redrick.

Seeing Esther's reaction, Redrick told her not to be afraid that he was not there to harm her and Esther looked around her to see she was back at the frozen sea. Seeing the frozen sea, Esther became confused wondering why she was back here when she thought she was going to die and how come Redrick who had never actually talked to her ever since she had been dreaming about this place was now talking to her and close to her just then Redrick asked Esther “are you okay?”.

“Well, you stab me and I thought I was going to die but here I am again” said Esther puzzled.

“I know that. That was the only way to bring you back here and get to talk to you after months of trying to communicate with you” said Redrick.

Esther stood up wonde
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