The reporter he pointed to immediately stepped forward.

“Mr Knight, you didn’t spend a lot of time inside, does that mean everything has been resolved? We all expected you to take at least a few hours to negotiate your takeover with the board members.”

“Well it seems the board wants to start a fight they can’t finish by denying me my rightful inheritance. This company was established by Knights, built by Knights, and should be ruled by a Knight. I appreciate them holding the fort while I was unavailable, but now that I have returned, they should do the right thing and let me take my place as the last living legitimate member of the Knight family. I hope that answered your question.” Xaden said and pointed to the next person.

“Sir, what’s your next move? Will you take this to court? Or let it play out? We want to know how you intend to fight back.” The next reporter asked and he smiled.

“They say a magician never reveals his secrets. If I tell you my plans, then they can try to thwart
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