Chapter 11: The Fat Man

Gibson hadn't seen President Adams for quite some time, and his face lit up with a genuine smile as he caught sight of the esteemed President approaching him. President Adams, known for his respectful demeanor, made his way over to Gibson, acknowledging who he was and with a hint of remorse in his eyes.

"I must apologize for everything that just transpired young Master," President Adams sincerely stated, understanding the gravity of the situation. Gibson, although not taken aback by the President's unexpected apology, managed to compose himself and respond.

"Thank you, Mr. President," Gibson replied with a calm yet disappointed tone. "It's disheartening how people tend to judge solely based on appearances, without getting to know the person behind them."

Meanwhile, the onlookers in the reception area were left in a state of shock, witnessing the President's unexpected interaction with Gibson. They had always held a preconceived notion that Gibson was someone to be disregarded, and th
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