THE Dragon Billionaire

2 ratings

THE Dragon Billionaire

By: Favourite OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 202 views: 11.9K

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Gibson sat across from his mother-in-law, his heart racing as he tried to process her shocking demand. “Divorce?” he repeated, his voice trembling. “Yes, divorce,” the woman replied with an arrogant sneer. “I don’t think you’re good enough for my daughter.” Gibson took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. He knew his mother-in-law had never approved of him, but he had never expected her to demand a divorce. “May I ask who wants the divorce?” he asked calmly. “It doesn’t matter,” Helen, his mother-in-law replied dismissively. “All that matters is that I want it.” “With all due respect, I don’t think it’s that simple,” Gibson said firmly. “My wife and I have built a life together. We’ve been through a lot, and we love each other.” The mother-in-law scoffed. “Love? Don’t make me laugh. You and my daughter were struggling to make ends meet when you got married. But now, thanks to her hard work, she’s become the CEO of a top 10 company in the city. She can do much better than you.”

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  • Sylwyn


    it did start out pretty good and it had a lot of interaction with the characters, but then the author drones on and on about nuances rather than having character interaction.

    2023-12-01 20:20:12
  • jgumawid


    started good but quickly deteriorated...waste of time to read

    2023-10-10 08:29:50
Latest Chapter
202 chapters
Chapter 1: Divorce
Gibson sat across from his mother-in-law, his heart racing as he tried to process her shocking demand. “Divorce?” he repeated, his voice trembling.“Yes, divorce,” the woman replied with an arrogant sneer. “I don’t think you’re good enough for my daughter.”Gibson took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. He knew his mother-in-law had never approved of him, but he had never expected her to demand a divorce. “May I ask who wants the divorce?” he asked calmly.“It doesn’t matter,” Helen, his mother-in-law replied dismissively. “All that matters is that I want it.”“With all due respect, I don’t think it’s that simple,” Gibson said firmly. “My wife and I have built a life together. We’ve been through a lot, and we love each other.”The mother-in-law scoffed. “Love? Don’t make me laugh. You and my daughter were struggling to make ends meet when you got married. But now, thanks to her hard work, she’s become the CEO of a top 10 company in the city. She can do much better than you
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Chapter 2: Disdain
Gibson's heart was heavy as he gazed at Cynthia, the love of his life, sitting across from him with such coldness. He couldn't believe that this was how their marriage was ending, with a check on the table and no hope of reconciliation.He remembered the first time he met Cynthia, her smile had lit up the room and his heart. He had fallen deeply in love with her, and over the years, their love had grown stronger. But now, it all seemed like it was for nothing.As he picked up the check, he couldn't help but think about all the memories they had shared. The trips they had taken, the laughs they had shared, and the promises they had made to each other. It was all coming to an end.His mind was racing, trying to find the right words to say to Cynthia, but he couldn't find any. He felt like he had lost the ability to communicate with her, and that was the saddest part of it all.He glanced up at her, and her eyes were still fixed on her phone screen. It was like she didn't even care that
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Chapter 3: Lina
Gibson trudged down the deserted street, the cold wind whipping at his face as he struggled to keep his head hung low. The weight of the divorce was bearing down on him, leaving him feeling dejected and helpless, like a ship lost at sea. The sadness that had taken over his heart was churning in his stomach, making it hard for him to even take one step at a time.As he walked, his phone rang, and Gibson glanced at the caller ID, seeing it was a number he didn't recognize. With a heavy sigh, he answered the call, his voice flat and devoid of any emotion."Hello?" he said, barely above a whisper."Young master, it's President Adams," a deep voice replied, cutting through the silence like a knife. Gibson was immediately reminded of the immense responsibility that he carried on his shoulders.He smiled as he heard the respectful title Adams called him. His face lit up as he answered the call. "Hello, President Adams," Gibson replied.“Should the new contract be sent to Toluene company?
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Chapter 4: Confrontation
As they made their way to the party, the atmosphere around them was vibrant and alive. Gibson and Lina were chatting, laughing and discussing. Lina was eager to introduce Gibson to her friends, hoping he would get along with them. But as they got closer to the gate, Gibson's heart sank when he saw Cynthia standing there, arms crossed, with a tall and handsome man by her side.Cynthia's face contorted with anger as she spotted Gibson approaching. "What are you doing here, Gibson?" she sneered, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.Gibson felt his stomach drop, the last thing he wanted was to have a confrontation with his ex-wife. Trying his best to remain calm, he responded, "I was invited by a friend.”Cynthia's eyes narrowed into a fierce glare, and Lina could practically feel the heat emanating from them. The intensity of her stare was suffocating, and Lina could feel her heart racing as she struggled to maintain her composure.The venom in Cynthia's voice was palpable as she spat ou
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Chapter 5: The Party
Cynthia had been counting down the days to this party, feeling her excitement build with every passing moment. She had always been a massive admirer of the Fernandez family's business prowess and couldn't wait to meet them in person. As she made her way towards the venue, her heart was pounding so hard that she could feel it in her throat. She was nervous, more nervous than she had ever been in her entire life. She tried to shake off her anxiety, telling herself that everything would be fine.But as soon as she entered the party, her fears evaporated like dewdrops in the morning sun. The atmosphere was electric, with the air buzzing with laughter and conversation. Cynthia spotted a group of people gathered in a corner, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized that they were some of the top business moguls in the country. She couldn't believe that she was actually in the same room as them. She could feel her palms becoming clammy, her heart beating faster than ever before.Summ
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CHAPTER 6: Softhearted
Cynthia sat slumped at her table, her shoulders drooping, and her head heavy in her hands. The room was silent, except for the sound of her deep, heavy sighs that filled the air. She couldn't believe that everything she had worked so hard for was now falling apart like a house of cards. It felt like her world was collapsing around her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.Cynthia felt a pang of disappointment as she whispered Jonah's name, her voice barely audible as she tried to keep it steady. She felt so overwhelmed that it was hard to keep her emotions in check. She let out another deep sigh and put her head back in her hands, feeling the weight of the situation crush down upon her. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, it actually got worse.Cynthia felt a lump form in her throat as she recalled the events of the day. She had been so sure that she was going to win that contract, but instead, she had lost it. She had poured her heart and soul into the
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Chapter 7: Call my dad
With his eyes locked on Jonah's face, Gibson couldn't help but notice the disdainful sneer that was etched onto Jonah's lips. As Jonah rolled his eyes with contempt, Gibson felt a pang of disappointment in the pit of his stomach. He knew all too well that Jonah held no respect for him, but he refused to let that deter him from helping his ex-wife Cynthia.Feeling the weight of the situation, Gibson took a deep breath before speaking. "Look, I had no idea that you were going to be removed from the business partner list. But I'm more than willing to assist you in any way I can," he said earnestly. Jonah's response was immediate and cutting."Who do you think you are, Gibson?" he spat, crossing his arms over his chest as he did so.Cynthia couldn't help but feel a surge of disappointment wash over her.She had always harbored doubts about Gibson's commitment to her business ventures, suspecting that he was more interested in spending her money than putting in the hard work that was nec
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Chapter 8: I Made A Promise
Cynthia's heart was filled with an array of emotions as she bowed her head in a gesture of gratitude towards Jonah. The warmth of his kind act was almost too much for her to bear. Her voice trembled as she expressed her sincere thanks to him, "Thank you so much, Jonah," she said, her words quivering with deep emotion. "I honestly don't know what I would have done without your help."Jonah was taken aback by Cynthia's show of gratitude. While he was pleased to be receiving those accolades, he knew deep down that he had nothing to do with how it all came about. Despite this, he tried to brush off her gratitude and responded hesitantly, "Uh, yeah, no problem. I'm glad I could help."Cynthia looked up at Jonah, and her eyes glistened with tears. She was grateful beyond words for Jonah's timely intervention, and she wanted him to know it. "You really came through for me when I needed it the most," she said, her voice choked with emotion. Her words were genuine, and the gratitude she f
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Chapter 9: Hotel
Gibson turned to Lina and flashed her a grateful smile. "Thanks for letting me hang out with you today, Lina. I had a lot of fun."Lina returned the smile. "No problem, Gibson. I enjoyed it too. It was great catching up after all these years."“I’d be going away now, goodbye,” Gibson said as he turned started to walk away.“You know it’s already late so you don’t have to go Gibson, you can stay at my place for the night,” Lina pleaded. Gibson paused and turned back to Lina. "No Lina, you’ve already done a lot for me today. I don’t want to burden you anymore. It's getting late, and I have to be going."Lina furrowed her brow in thought. "Hmmm.”Gibson shook his head and waved her goodbye. Lina waved him off with a grin. "Just promise me you'll be safe, okay?"Gibson chuckled. "I will. Thanks again, Lina. Take care."With that, Gibson walked away with his head raised high, feeling the cool calm breeze of the night. Gibson's exhausted feet carried him through the bustling streets of
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Chapter 10: President Adams
With an abrupt change in his facial expression, Gibson's countenance appeared to contort into a displeased grimace. His eyebrows furrowed and he fixed an intense glare upon the middle-aged man standing before him, who coincidentally happened to be the designated manager of the establishment. "Pardon me, sir," Gibson interjected in a clear and steady voice, "but based on the information provided to me, I was led to believe that this was an accommodation facility of the utmost caliber, boasting a seven-star rating, if I'm not mistaken. However, given the manner in which you are presently conducting yourself, I find myself compelled to question the validity of that initial assumption." In response to Gibson's measured rebuke, the manager issued him a contemptuous once-over, accompanied by a sneering remark intended to belittle him: "A guest? You appear to resemble more of a beggar than a patron in my estimation."The manager, feeling displeased and agitated, gestured vigorously towar
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